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Kindergarden at the St. Mark VII School for Deaf Bwanda, Uganda


Uganda was dubbed the "Pearl of Africa" by Winston Churchill for harboring one of the most diverse and concentrated ranges of African fauna. Aside from the amazing landscapes and variety of animals, more than half of the population does not have access to electricity. What's more, people don't have access to modern fuels for cooking. Both are fundamental parts of our lives and we want to change these numbers.


Our partner​

The project "Help for Deaf Children in Uganda" was founded more than 20 years ago by Gerhard Ehrenreich and helps deaf children and young people to gain access to education and to lead a self-determined life. All employees of the project work voluntarily and all administrative and other costs are borne by the Bavarian Association for the Deaf or by the employees themselves.

The project


After our last projects in Uganda where we supplied a school and dormitories with solar power, we want to help the kindergarten St. Mark VII for Deaf children from Bwanda.

We helped with the construction of the building knowing how important it is for deaf children to have their own safe space and go to the kindergarten in a nice environment. Having a handicap or having a child with a handicap is still seen as a problem in Africa and they encounter many difficulties to live a normal life. That’s why we think they should receive a good education according to their needs.

The construction of the building is already taking shape thanks to our donations and all the effort of many people involved. With the help of a generous donation from one of our godfathers and his colleagues, we are ready to start the interior renovations and put in all the furniture needed.

With the support of an Austrian business, the kindergarten finally has a new truck with which they will be able to transport all the necessary things for the construction but also food and school supplies for the kindergarten. Before, they had a 30-year-old truck which was so hard to use so we are very happy that now they have a new one.

The next step to make this project become a success is to supply the St Mark VII kindergarten with solar panels so they can have access to electricity 24/7. For that, we need your donations. As you may imagine light is indispensable for communicating via sign language and that’s even harder when most of the classes are taking place in the evening, this being very common in Uganda. Through the installation of solar panels and batteries, the children will finally have access to clean energy all the time. For this, we need your help! We are very close to achieving our goal and only with your help, we can offer the children of Bwanda a safe space and a good education. 


School school house building
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School school house



2 years ago we financed a truck with donations from the school.
Now there was an accident with 30 injured children and 5 injured adult carers who need medical attention.
The medical costs are enormous and cannot be borne by the families.
You can use your donations to finance medical care and follow-up treatment costs for seriously injured
Together we can help make a positive difference in the lives of these children.
Your donation makes a significant difference in the lives of these young fighters.




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Energy batteries

We have been supporting the St. Marks VII School in Uganda for several years. The school and staff there currently eat, live and learn in the dark as the storage batteries have failed.
We already have the funds for the storage batteries, but we are still missing €1,000 for the installations. 

Your donation, no matter how large, will directly contribute to the installation of the batteries. Every amount counts and brings us closer to our goal of improving the education of these wonderful children. 
Together we can ensure that this school continues to be a place of life, learning and hope for deaf children in Uganda.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and generosity.



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